(Pre) Intermediate Paragraph Completion Exercise 2

Welcome to our pre-intermediate English paragraph completion exercise 2. This exercise comes with 5 short paragraphs and multiple choice coherence questions. You are expected to choose the option that best fits the paragraph in terms of cohesion. Practice your paragraph coherence skills by taking more exercises.

B1 (Pre) Intermediate Level Paragraph Completion Exercise 2

Read each paragraph and choose the best option to complete each gap!

1. Kenya is one of seven African countries that have the world’s highest population growth rate. Thus, Kenyan government officials ________________________________ and to use family planning. However, for many people in Kenya, family planning clinics are far from their homes and for religious reasons and custom, many Kenyans oppose birth control. Also, in Africa, having many children is traditionally considered a gift.


2. Robots are entering into all kinds of activities. They’ve even taken up hunting in some places. Most states of the U.S.A. have very strict laws to limit hunting deer. Some hunters, however, ________________________________ and try to kill many deer. So, the forest services have developed a robot that looks and acts just like a deer. This robot-deer is left in the woods. If a hunter tries to shot it, the police come up and check his hunting license. The deer may have wanted to get a deer, but, instead the deer has gotten the hunter.


3. Environmental problems have harmful effects in our health and on all of nature. We may observe these problems at home with our drinking water, at the beach where garbage floats in the ocean, and on our farmlands where acid rain falls. In some parts of the world, whole forests are being cut down. As a result, scientists predict wildlife species may become homeless and even die out. Moreover, without our forests ________________________________.


4. In 1986, Laura’s father was shot by a member of a violent group responsible for attacks on several tourists in the Old City. Her father didn’t die but ________________________________. In her new book, Laura describes her 18-month-long hunt for the man who shot and wounded her father in a marketplace. She explored various methods of attempting to find justice in a world of injury and sorrow.


5. Sylvia Plath was an American poet. She left America in 1956 when she married Ted Hughes. She had a history of mental illness and had attempted suicide in 1953. Ariel (1965) is a collection her poems which are exaggerated yet ________________________________. It was written in a last burst of mad energy before she killed herself, sometime after her divorce with Ted Hughes.


Question 1 of 5

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Tags: esl paragraph completion exercise, esl pre intermediate paragraph completion exercise, esl b1paragraph completion test, intermediate level paragraph completion exercises, b1 level cohesion exercise, a2-b1 level paragraph exercise, intermediate paragraph completion, pre-intermediate paragraph cohesion exercise,

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Title & Link: (Pre) Intermediate Paragraph Completion Exercise 2
Summary: This is B1 level 2nd paragraph completion exercise. This exercise comes with 5 short paragraphs and multiple choice coherence questions