(Pre) Intermediate Reading Comprehension Exercise 2

Second pre-intermediate level English reading comprehension exercise comes with a reading passage for comprehension and 7 multiple choice reading questions to assess your comprehension skills. You cannot skip any question and have to answer all of them. When you finish this online English reading test, you will see your results instantly.

Pre Intermediate Level English Reading Comprehension Exercise 2

Read the pre-intermediate reading paragraph and choose the best answer to each reading question.

Mrs. Reyes is a housewife and part of her daily life is to budget the small amount of money her husband gets from delivering mails. Their bills have been piling up this month that she’s having a hard time budgeting. She looked at their bills before she went out to the market this morning. She went to the fish section of the market and looked at the fish that the sellers were offering. Fish at such early morning time were still fresh. She was checking a carp when she noticed a boy standing next to her checking the fish as well. The boy was so dirty with shirts and shorts almost torn apart and was wearing no shoes or slippers. Mrs. Reyes hurried buying a fish when she realized that her wallet was missing. She looked inside her bag again and even checked her pockets but it wasn’t there. She feels cold when she saw the boy going out of the market holding a fish with his own hands. She then shouted that the boy took her wallet. The boy turned around and saw that people were shouting at him and trying to catch him. In panic, the boy ran to the road then fell down. People encircled him as one of the cars stopped. Mrs. Reyes without bothering checking the boy went home buying nothing. As she was reaching their house, Mrs. Reyes’ daughter came out of the house running and handed her something. She looked at it blankly as her daughter told her that she has left it on the table before going to the market.

1. What happened to the boy?


2. What does Mrs. Reyes’ husband do?


3. What did the boy at the market look like?


4. What is the moral of the story?


5. Why did Mrs. Reyes rush to buy fish when she saw the boy?


6. What does this statement from the passage mean?  “Their bills have been piling up this month.”


7. What do you think Mrs. Reyes’ daughter gave her when she came home?


Question 1 of 7

To practice your reading comprehension skills, you can take more reading exercises. Click here to view the whole list of intermediate level reading passages and comprehension exercises. All of our reading exercises are free.

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Title & Link: (Pre) Intermediate Reading Comprehension Exercise 2
Summary: Second pre-intermediate level English reading comprehension exercise comes with a reading passage for comprehension and 7 multiple choice reading questions