Conversation Practice: Dialogue Completion Exercise 2

Welcome to the second dialogue completion exercise. You will read 5 different conversation scenarios in turns and there will be a missing sentence or phrase in each dialogue. Among the given multiple choice answers, choose the best one that completes the conversation best.

Complete the Dialogue: Exercise 2

Choose the best option that completes each conversation best.

1. Mrs Smart: How is Barry getting on in his new job?

Mrs Palmer: Well, he doesn’t complain, but clearly he finds it very tiring.

Mrs Smart: …………………

Mrs Palmer: Yes, I suppose you’re right.


2. Dr. Hutchinson: For this operation did you use the new techniques you described in your last article?
Surgeon: Yes I did; and I must confess I’m fully satisfied with the results.
Dr. Hutchinson: So this looks like a new breakthrough in surgery. Congratulations.
Surgeon: ……………………………


3. Deputy Manager: Don’t you think we can start to slow down on the retrenchment policy?
Manager: Why do you say that? You know this is a policy we agreed to follow stringently.
Deputy Manager: …………………….
Manager: Yes but this is a temporary success. Clearly we are soon going to face a severe recession.


4. John: When is the deadline for bids for the new highway?
Tom: I don’t know exactly, but its probably nearly two months off.
John: ……………………
Tom: True. In that case I think we shouldn’t even consider making a bid at all.


5. Richard: Do you think our team has any chance of winning?
Mike: …………………
Richard: And good to watch, also.
Mike: Yes, let’s hope so.


Question 1 of 5

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Tags: dialogue completion activity, dialogue completion practice, complete dialogue activity, dialogue completion questions, dialogue completion tests, complete the dialogue, conversation completion, complete the conversation, conversation completion exercise, comversation completion practice

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Title & Link: Conversation Practice: Dialogue Completion Exercise 2
Summary: Dialogue Completion Exercise 2. Among the given multiple choice answers, choose the best one that completes the conversation best.