Conversation (Dialogue) Completion Exercise 3

Welcome to the conversation dialogue completion exercise 3. You will read 5 different conversation scenarios in turns and there will be a missing sentence or phrase in each dialogue. Among the given multiple choice answers, choose the best one that completes the conversation best.

Conversation Practice: Complete the Dialogue. Exercise 3

Complete the dialogue with the most appropriate option.

1. Larry: What is your own reaction to the jury’s verdict on the case?
Kathy: Well the evidence presented against him at the trial wasn’t adequate enough to convict him.
Larry: …………………………………
Kathy: No. I have a feeling deep down that he really is guilty.


2. Dr. Ward: How’s that patient of yours doing? Is there any change in his condition yet?
Dr. Simpson: …………………….
Dr. Ward: So you’re starting to be hopeful?
Dr. Simpson: I wish I could be. But it’s too early yet.


3. Andrew: Apparently, the department can take out subscriptions for three more journals. ……………….. ?
Malcolm: Don’t ask me, ask Tony. He’s the authority you know.
Andrew: I know he is; but his taste is rather too erudite for most of us.


4. Robert: How are the negotiations progressing?
Malcolm: On the whole, fairly well; various issues have been settled.
Robert: ……………………………
Malcolm: It’s too soon yet to be so hopeful.


5. Peter: I hear Mr. Lewis is holding yet another meeting today.
Tony: Yes. At 3 o’clock sharp.
Peter: ……………………..
Tony: You might be right. But perhaps he just wants to give us more detailed information about it.


Question 1 of 5

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Tags: conversation completion quiz, dialogue completion practice, complete dialogue activity, dialogue completion questions, dialogue completion tests, complete the dialogue, conversation completion, complete the conversation, conversation completion quiz, conversation completion practice

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Title & Link: Conversation (Dialogue) Completion Exercise 3
Summary: Dialogue completion practice exercises. Conversation Practice. Complete the Dialogue. Exercise 3